
15 October 2024 / Team News

U13's v Quins 13th Oct 2024.

The legends that are Llangwm u13’s made the short journey across the bridge this morning to play a Quinn’s team that we hadn’t encountered since our epic semi final win at u11’s to get us to the plate final! 
After last week’s disappointing and slightly underwhelming performance the wasps were looking to bounce back against a team that was really strong a few seasons ago but have fallen slightly on hard times, the wasps were up for this and you could see it in the warm up. 
The next 50 minutes was a display of power, guile and precision…….. from us! 
The wasps were soon on the front foot and camped in the Quinn’s 22 and some nifty footwork and dummy pass saw Harry cross for his second in two games. The wasps were flying and after another lung bursting run Mason got his first of the day, this was quickly followed by one for the immovable force that is ollie H and for the maverick himself Noah E. 
Quinn’s were struggling, they had no answer to Llangwm’s organised attack and solid defence. That defence was marshalled brilliantly again by captain George and along with his fellow hooker Bailey who filled in at prop and saw plenty of carries today they gave the backs plenty of go platforms in which to attack, an unfortunate yellow card to the one player you would never think would get one in Stan reduced the wasps to 14 players….. personally I think it was because Stan had ran at them so hard so many times the ref wanted give them a break from his ferocious carries!!! 
But this didn’t stop the boys momentum, a well deserved try that is the wrecking ball Spencer  who they wanted no part of but it was Spencer’s defensive work that caught the eye as he nailed anything big or small that came his way! 
The wasps kept up the tempo, Jac had another of his dancing runs down the wing and was unbelievable. Isaac and his support play is another part of his game that is developing so well, he’s always in the right place at the right time, Ashton I think is going to touch god soon if he keeps being chucked up so high in the lineout but his distribution form there is unbelievable and his work at the break down was incredible as well. The half finished with another Mason special who was never for catching. 
Second half……..
Llangwm had Quinn’s beat but there was no room for complacency…… yeah that didn’t work as the boys started shifting positions all over the pitch against our better judgement 🫣 but the boys were enjoying themselves and especially after Noah E beat the entire Quinn’s team twice to score and then converted his own try! 
Quinns had nothing, and if they did there was llangwm defenders to meet them, Noah D was a pest all game at the breakdown and had some tidy carries and along with a vastly improved Ryan who is our number one pod player with fantastic positioning in attack the wasps kept pounding forwards. Albert once again showed why he’s one of the best 9’s in the county with consistency with his distribution and one of the bravest in a tackle area he never misses a beat. 
A great move between Seth and Ollie E down the wing saw both of them play football with a rugby ball and Ollie being tackled off the ball allowing Seth to dive on the ball to dot down….. ref didn’t give it which was harsh on both Seth and Ollie who both deserved to get that try! 
Ollie H got another using his good rugby brain and he was followed by another two for speedster Rowan who also got his first points off the boot converting one of his own tries 🫣.
The boys were on cruise control and with Nico seeing loads of the ball but once again impressive with his defensive work and pressure and Carwyn showing his trapping skills from a poor kick off and diving on the ball like someone trying to catch a chicken!!! 
But one player I haven’t mentioned and should be applauded the most was Morgan who volunteered to go on the Quinn’s side when they had no subs, his great attitude allowed the game to stay at 15v15 and he was in all honesty there best player and won two turnovers in the process 😡 that is a fantastic attitude to have he got a massive round of applause from both sides for doing an amazing job ❤️
Final whistle…… Quinn’s 0 Llangwm 69
The performance from last week was night and day compared to today, the boys did a brilliant job and got there mojo back. They played with a smile on their face and passion in the shirt. We couldn’t have been happier for them and they came off that pitch with renewed belief that they are a good team and can challenge anyone 🐝
A massive thanks to all the support we had and of course the boys for being legends as always 🖤💛
Team: Carwyn, George, Spencer, Bailey, Ashton, Morgan, Ryan, Noah D, Isaac, Stan, Mason, Albert, Harry, Ollie H, Noah E, Rowan, Jac, Seth, Nico, Ollie E 
Tries : Rowan 3, Ollie H 2, Mason 2, Noah E 2, Spencer 1, Harry 1.
Conversions: Harry 3, Ollie H, 1, Noah E 1, Rowan 1 🫣.
Final score: Pembroke Dock Quinn’s 0 Llangwm 69

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